Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The business and noise
of the people.
Teachers preaching,
Preachers teaching,
Students crying, lying, trying
to find You.

In an atmosphere of grace,
In this place of like-minded people,
Where are You?

I hear the bands play, pray, say
That You are here.
The vibrations of the melodies move me.
Physically? Spiritually?
My eyes are closed.
Or am I blind?

Losing control.

Where is Your still small voice?

Away from this place.
This sea of searching people.
Away from the noise and chaos
Of sameness.

Awaken me,
Shake me,
Change me,
Break me.

Screaming lyrics of praise.
Barriers broken, walls fall apart.
Eyes open to see
Your majesty.
The creativity of the Creator
My heart is overwhelmed.

A quiet whisper in the waves,
I am here.

Music blaring while driving along the coast.

Amazing Creativity. Malibu, CA

Monday, January 5, 2009

Ribbon Strands

Ribbon Strands
By: Faith Gatlin

Sometimes I wonder
What life would be like
Without those special little moments
That fill life with joy.
Those ribbon strands of magic
That lurk around secret corners
And special places of yesterday.
Those memories hung on walls
And tucked into bed at night
With a favorite stuffed animal
And intertwined in a bedtime story.
Lovely ribbon strands that
Seem to smile back at you,
Reminding you of all the times
You were filled with joy,
And all the times to come.

Childhood Memories Lost

Childhood Memories Lost
Faith Gatlin

Baby Sue
On a bed, there lay a little rabbit. Her long, slim ears, white on the outside, pink on the inside are worn and thin. Her face was once white, before her many adventures took place. Her little black eyes seem to stare at you, they hold so many memories. The little hands that used to play with her play no more. Dressed in a little flowery dress, she lies on the bed, forgotten.

Porcelain Cat
Porcelain cat as smooth as silk, sits on the shelf, laughing. No one can tell the reason for her amusement. Her big brown eyes look around the room, the almost hidden smile, and small pointed ears give the little cat a teasing look. She is smooth as silk, sits on the shelf, and is all the while, laughing.

Teddy Bear Pin
Shining in a little box, what is it? Shimmering gold, a hint of sparkling ruby, looking closer now, what is it? A little golden bear with ruby eyes, smiles back at me. The little bear brings back memories of a young girl sitting on a woman’s lap. The little girl looks up at the woman with adoration in her eyes. “Bee bee,” says the little girl, “I like your pin a lot”. The woman looks back at the little face with equal adoration, “honey” says the woman, “that pin is yours”.

Blue Blanket
Baby blue, soft and warm, it wasn’t just a blanket. Blue capes, blue aprons, blue picnic blanket, blue tents… It looked like the sky. Games of imagination, centered around this small squarish piece of yarn. Make believes and elaborate “pretends” were never quite complete without this blanket that wasn’t just a blanket.

Best Friends
A torn picture hung on a wall. Crumpled in areas, torn in places, wrinkled with time and age. Two girls sit on a horse, smiles on their faces and laughter in their eyes. The picture seems to come alive. The first girl smiles a toothless grin and shakes her curly, blond mop. The other kicks her shiny red boots and laughs, dimples appearing on her cheeks. Best friends, their memories caught on a crumpled, torn, wrinkled piece of paper.

Fluffy, furry, fuzzy fun. Story telling, game playing, best friend making fun. Crazy running, wild jumping, slobber covering fun. Memory making, laughter causing, adventure seeking fun. Fluffy, Furry, Fuzzy sheepdog fun.

Piano Music Book
A little orange book covered in dust sits on top of the old piano. Dust off the cover and open it up, out jumps music notes. Suddenly melodies and harmonies appear out of nowhere. Songs of the past, tunes that were played long ago flow out of that little orange book. What an ugly little book to hold such beautiful memories, that little orange book covered in dust on top of the piano.

Wooden Box
Small and square, hard and pretty, little box. Secrets held inside, loves held inside, special moments held inside. Lovely little wooden box.

Yellow Notebook
Dear notebook, sorry for not writing for awhile. My friend got me an actual diary for my birthday and I am pretty excited about it! But you wanna know a secret? I like you best. My new diary is purple, it has a butterfly on it (I love butterflies) but I don’t know why, but there is something about your sunny, bright yellow cover that just makes me happy inside.

Friendship Bracelet
Silver strands with shining beads, pretty little flowers. Red means love, Blue means friendship, Gold means memories, Clear means true, Green means forever. Four girls wear these silver strands with shining beads and pretty little flowers, living each day, loving, keeping friendship, making memories, being true, and doing these things forever.